Exploring places you can play disc golf in Las Vegas

3 weeks ago 13


Camille Cannon

Thu, Feb 20, 2025 (2 a.m.)

Pickleball may be getting the limelight when it comes to outdoor sports, but there’s another fun, low-cost activity you best not overlook: disc golf. For the uninitiated: the sport is, like golf, played at holes on a course, but instead of tee-ing up balls, you throw a frisbee-like disc with precision into metal baskets. And like pickleball, disc golf grew enormously popular during the pandemic. According to a 2024 report by UDisc, a disc golf course discovery app, there are more than 15,000 disc golf courses around the world—a number that has doubled since 2017.

A search on UDisc yields no fewer than seven disc golf courses in the Las Vegas Valley, and these include some pay-to-play or private courses. (This is a number we can take pride in—as of the report’s publication, Washington D.C. had two disc golf courses and New York City had one.) On UDisc you can browse the listings by difficulty level (typically, the flatter the course, the easier it is to throw the discs effectively), amenities, accessibility and course length. In general, disc golf courses vary from 24, 18 or nine holes, the latter of which is referred to as a mini course.

The expert disc golfers at Las Vegas Weekly have rounded up a few choice recommendations of where to play:

Peccole Ranch is the highest-rated publicly accessible course on UDisc. (18 holes)

Red Ridge Park, a mini course in the southwest Valley, is relatively flat, straight, and beginner-friendly. (Nine holes)

Sunset Park is the longest public course in the Valley, though due to the park’s popularity, the course can get crowded quickly. (24 holes) 

Mountain Crest in the northwest is recommended for intermediate play and well-liked by the local disc golfers of Reddit. (18 holes)

Wildhorse Golf Club costs $15 per player, which includes a golf cart rental, and many disc golfers say the fee is well worth it. Wildhorse offers a separate course in the morning and afternoon, and tee time reservations must be made in advance by calling 702-434-9000. (20+ holes)

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