Food Truck Thursdays at Galaxy Park N. Las Vegas

1 month ago 9

Mark Your Calendars for Food Truck Thursdays astatine Galaxy Park! When: Every 3rd Thursday of the period from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Where: Galaxy Park, Valley Vista Community, North Las […] The station Food Truck Thursdays astatine Galaxy Park N. Las Vegas archetypal appeared connected

Mark Your Calendars for Food Truck Thursdays astatine Galaxy Park!

When: Every 3rd Thursday of the period from 4:00 to 8:00 pm
Where: Galaxy Park, Valley Vista Community, North Las Vegas. All are welcome, nonmigratory oregon not.

Join america for Food Truck Thursdays, a monthly solemnisation of large food, music, and assemblage tone successful the bosom of the Valley Vista master-planned neighborhood.

What to Expect:

  • A curated array of nutrient trucks dishing retired delectable cuisines
  • Live euphony to acceptable the mood
  • An energetic and family-friendly vibe

So drawback your friends, family, and your appetite for a nighttime of delicious flavors and a large ambiance successful the sunshine. Food Truck Thursdays are the spot to beryllium if you are a foodie, euphony lover, oregon conscionable privation a amusive nighttime connected the town!

Admission: Free! Hosted proudly by the Valley Vista Social Committee.

Ample escaped parking is available.

Don’t miss retired connected this delicious assemblage tradition. See you there!

Food Truck Thursdays Galaxy Park North Las Vegas Valley Vista Community

Check retired each the champion nutrient trucks successful Las Vegas!

The station Food Truck Thursdays astatine Galaxy Park N. Las Vegas archetypal appeared connected

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