Olivia Hussey, star of the 1968 film 'Romeo and Juliet,' dies at 73

2 months ago 19

Olivia Hussey Obit

"Romeo and Juliette" movie manager Franco Zeffirelli, left, actors Olivia Hussey, center, and Leonard Whiting are seen aft the Parisian premiere of the movie successful Paris connected Sept. 25, 1968 Photo by Eustache Cardenas / AP

LONDON — Olivia Hussey, the histrion who starred arsenic a teenage Juliet successful the 1968 movie “Romeo and Juliet,” has died, her household said connected societal media Saturday. She was 73.

Hussey died connected Friday, “peacefully astatine location surrounded by her loved ones,” a connection posted to her Instagram relationship said.

Hussey was 15 erstwhile manager Franco Zeffirelli formed her successful his adaptation of the William Shakespeare calamity aft spotting her onstage successful the play “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie," which besides starred Vanessa Redgrave.

“Romeo and Juliet” won 2 Oscars and Hussey won a Golden Globe for champion caller histrion for her portion arsenic Juliet, other British histrion Leonard Whiting, who was 16 astatine the time.

Decades aboriginal Hussey and Whiting brought a suit against Paramount Pictures alleging intersexual abuse, intersexual harassment and fraud implicit nude scenes successful the film.

They alleged that they were initially told they would deterioration flesh-colored undergarments successful a chamber scene, but connected the time of the sprout Zeffirelli told the brace they would deterioration lone assemblage constitution and that the camera would beryllium positioned successful a mode that would not amusement nudity. They alleged they were filmed successful the nude without their knowledge.

The case was dismissed by a Los Angeles County justice successful 2023, who recovered their depiction could not beryllium considered kid pornography and the brace filed their assertion excessively late.

Whiting was among those paying tribute to Hussey connected Saturday. “Rest present my beauteous Juliet nary injustices tin wounded you now. And the satellite volition retrieve your quality wrong and retired forever," helium wrote.

Hussey was calved connected April 17, 1951, successful Bueno Aires, Argentina, and moved to London arsenic a child. She studied astatine the Italia Conti Academy play school.

She besides starred arsenic Mary, the parent of Jesus, successful the 1977 tv bid “Jesus of Nazareth," arsenic good arsenic the 1978 adaptation of Agatha Christie’s “Death connected the Nile" and fearfulness movies “Black Christmas” and “Psycho IV: The Beginning.”

She is survived by her husband, David Glen Eisley, her 3 children and a grandson.

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