Police: Man riding homemade motorbike hit by car, killed in North Las Vegas

6 months ago 20

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A antheral connected a homemade motorbike was killed Wednesday erstwhile helium rode done a crosswalk against a reddish airy and was deed by a car, according to North Las Vegas Police.

The clang happened astir 9 p.m. astatine Carey Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard, constabulary said.

The rider of the unregistered motorbike was crossing Carey erstwhile helium was deed by the car, which was headed northbound connected Martin Luther King and had a greenish light, constabulary said.

The rider, an unidentified antheral believed to beryllium successful his 30s, was pronounced dormant astatine the scene, constabulary said. The Clark County Coroner’s Office volition merchandise his name, constabulary said.

The operator of the car remained astatine the country and was not hurt, constabulary said. Impairment was not believed to beryllium a factor, constabulary said.

The clang remains nether investigation, constabulary said.

As a effect of postulation coming to a halt connected Martin Luther King aft the crash, 3 different wrecks occurred, constabulary said. No different injuries were reported, constabulary said.

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