We asked our readers to send in their best pictures on the theme of "winter walks". Here is a selection of the photographs we received from around the world.
Roland Trope
Roland Trope: "An overnight snowfall continued in the early daylight hours. Wind gusts blew snow off tree branches. I took this photo of a couple walking by who looked like they could walk for hours in the falling snow."
Adam Harrison
Adam Harrison: "I actually went for a quick walk to capture the sunset over the local canal but misjudged the time completely. The ice scenes just down the road were a nice alternative though."
Stephen Lodge
Stephen Lodge: "Scout joining us on a walk in the snow."
Mike Crompton
Mike Crompton: "Bublik the Corgi taking his first walk in the snow."
Lewis James Davies
Lewis James Davies sent in this frame taken during an early morning walk.
Sirsendu Gayen
Sirsendu Gayen: "A morning walker feeding the pigeons on a foggy winter morning."
Ian Hawley
Ian Hawley: "Wrapping up warm."
Clare Keegan
Clare Keegan: "The early bird wasn't catching any worms a couple of weeks ago."
Thierry Meyrat
Thierry Meyrat: "At the foot of the Eiger, Switzerland, skiers go up a hill on a conveyer belt. Strange pilgrimage, as they look like walkers who do not move in a naive art painting."
Sandhya Bhattaram
Sandhya Bhattaram: "The sight of the frozen pond in Richmond, London, gives the birds cold feet."
Carlos Gomez LLata
Carlos Gomez LLata sent in a different type of winter: "Winter walk in Runaway Bay, Antigua."
Leonardo Fugoso Jr
Leonardo Fugoso Jr: "Walking downhill in Wisconsin could be treacherous."
Fiona Smail
Fiona Smail: "Sheep venturing out into the snow from the comfort of their barn in St John's in the Vale. It was a lovely day when the sun shone bright and the sky was a pale shade of winter blue."
Hang Ross
Hang Ross: "Fallow Bucks in a snow storm in the New Forest."
Mick Bennett
Mick Bennett: "Morning coffee always involves a barefoot stroll in the garden - no exception. Warm hands holding coffee cup, cold feet on the crisp, frozen snow."
Evelyn Oakley
Evelyn Oakley: "A woman taking a walk in the fine snow adds her own pattern to those already drawn by departing vehicles and earlier walkers."
Alice Cumberton
Alice Cumberton: "Smile for the camera."
Tom Cotsford
Tom Cotsford took this picture while on a walk in the New Forest.
Craig Horne
Craig Horne sent in this picture entitled "Legsnow walk".