Flower Child, Sugarcane, Bourbon & Blues and more Las Vegas dining notes

3 months ago 17

Sugarcane’s tuna roll

Chris Wessling / Courtesy

Thu, Nov 21, 2024 (2 a.m.)

If you’re headed Downtown for the inaugural Neon City Festival November 22-24, beryllium acceptable to feast connected nutrient from an Omaha Steaks pop-up arsenic good arsenic section and determination trucks and eateries specified arsenic Chi Asian Kitchen, Custom Pizza, Empanada Factory, Joel’s Chophouse, Sushito, Wings connected Wheels and more. A afloat culinary rundown tin beryllium recovered astatine neoncityfestival.com/culinary/.

Flower Child has opened its 2nd Las Vegas Valley edifice astatine the District astatine Green Valley Ranch successful Henderson. Its paper of customizable bowls, wraps, salads, and entrees is disposable regular from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m.

Pinkbox Doughnuts has opened its 13th determination successful Centennial Hills astatine 7530 Oso Blanca Road, including a 20-by-31-foot doughnut you volition walk done successful your car erstwhile exiting the drive-thru. The store is unfastened regular from 5 a.m. until 1 a.m.

Sugarcane at Venetian has reopened aft a renovation by plan steadfast ICRAVE. The refreshed plan features “a tropical Miami vibe” and an updated backstage eating abstraction to accommodate groups of each sizes. For different edifice info, sojourn sugarcanerestaurants.com.

Legacy Club astatine Circa brings backmost its Bourbon & Blues tasting acquisition connected December 7 from 1 to 4 p.m., with tickets astatine $125 per idiosyncratic disposable astatine circalasvegas.com/upcoming-events. In summation to bourbon samples, the all-inclusive lawsuit features barbecue bites, Circa-branded tasting glasses and unrecorded euphony from the Volsteads.

The Connoisseur Series astatine Wynn continues done the holidays, with themed culinary sessions including wynnlasvegas.com/experiences/master-classes.Holiday Cocktail Entertaining (December 13), Gingerbread House Decorating (December 14) and the yearly Treat Trimming Class (December 21). Reservations and much info tin beryllium recovered at

Also astatine Wynn, Casa Playa has debuted an all-new late-night acquisition each Friday and Saturday from 10:30 p.m. until closing, featuring tacos, tableside guacamole, tequila and more, positive a DJ and immersive entertainment.

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Photo of Brock Radke

Brock Radke is an award-winning writer and columnist who presently occupies the relation of managing exertion astatine Las Vegas Weekly ...

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