During my teen years successful Southern California I spent galore a witching hr successful a booth astatine Norms. Whenever my friends and I got retired of a club, performance oregon taxable park, determination was ever a Norms adjacent by with stacks of hotcakes and half-pound treble burgers. We had different late-night options, but Norms felt someway much authentic, much diner. It connected america to a contented of main characters taking a coffee-and-sandwich break, from Nighthawks to Pulp Fiction.
Vegas has its ain late-night favorites, astir of them wrong casinos. (Also Blueberry Hill, which inactive offers 24-hour eating astatine a mates of locations. And astir immoderate Denny’s is, famously, “Always Open.”) But the Vegas accomplishment of Norms, connected Charleston and Decatur, adds an absorbing wrinkle to the Valley’s late-night eating landscape. The nutrient astatine Norms is modestly good—better than Denny’s, IMHO—but their vibe is cooked to perfection, having simmered successful the California prima since car salesman Norm Roybark opened his archetypal edifice astatine the country of Sunset and Vine successful 1949.
The Charleston Norms doesn’t look overmuch similar its iconic SoCal brethren from the outside—no boomerang roof, and its celebrated “flags” signage feels a spot foreshortened—but erstwhile you get inside, it’s each mid-century goodness, with plentifulness of the chain’s signature orangish and blue. And the menu, of course, is the aforesaid arsenic you’ll find connected La Cienega aft a late-night amusement astatine the Greek: clubhouse sandwiches, sundaes with Thrifty crystal pick and their classical Bigger Better Breakfast, with sirloin if you privation it. And this Norm’s serves alcohol, which I’m kinda gladsome they didn’t connection erstwhile I was 23.
But Norms isn’t conscionable for bare club- and concert-goers. This 24-hour-a-day spot is besides large for household breakfasts connected Sunday mornings, handily serving the varying wants of ample groups that can’t determine betwixt omelets, strawberry-topped Belgian waffles, meal burritos oregon chickenhearted tenders. From present on, Norms volition ever beryllium there, ever acceptable with a blistery stove and a comfy booth. I can’t hold to spell determination precocious connected a Friday, and possibly tally into myself coming disconnected a agelong night.
NORMS 4605 W. Charleston Blvd., 702-475-9976, norms.com. Daily, 24 hours.
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