Roger Ebert (and More) on David Lynch

1 month ago 22

All of our penning astir the enactment of David Lynch.

In grant of the loss of 1 of the astir important artists to ever live, we thought we’d cod our penning connected the masterful David Lynch. From Roger Ebert’s arguable reappraisal of “Blue Velvet” to his adoration of “Mulholland Drive” to respective pieces connected “Twin Peaks,” here’s a postulation of connected David Lynch, who we volition miss forever.


Mulholland Drive” Great Movies Review by Roger Ebert

Inland Empire” by Jim Emerson

Mulholland Drive” by Roger Ebert

The Straight Story” by Roger Ebert

Lost Highway” by Roger Ebert

Wild astatine Heart” by Roger Ebert

Blue Velvet” by Roger Ebert

Dune” by Roger Ebert

The Elephant Man” by Roger Ebert


My occupation with “Blue Velvet” by Roger Ebert

A Look At “Twin Peaks: The Return” by Peter Sobczynski

Wrapped successful Plastic: The Impact of “Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery” by Brian Tallerico

The Unloved, Part 31: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me by Scout Tafoya

David Lynch’s The Straight Story & Playing Catch-Up by Ally Johnson

Defying Explanation: The Brilliance of David Lynch’s “Eraserhead” by Peter Sobczynski

Getting to the Heart of America successful David Lynch’s The Straight Story by Abby Olcese

No More Blue Tomorrows: David Lynch’s Inland Empire Returns to Theaters by Peter Sobczynski

David Lynch gives filmgoers each they tin handle by Roger Ebert

David Foster Wallace connected David Lynch by Jim Emerson

David Lynch: “Sammy. I ne'er speech astir themes.” by Jim Emerson

If David Lynch directed Michael Jackson’s beingness communicative by Jim Emerson

What’s successful David Lynch’s DVD player? by Jim Emerson

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