Weird and wonderful: Inside the rebirth of Downtown Las Vegas alt-club Oddfellows

7 months ago 14



Thu, Jul 25, 2024 (2 a.m.)

Since 2015, Oddfellows has offered a singular alternate nightlife acquisition astatine the basal of the Ogden successful Downtown Las Vegas, yet ever felt similar it was connected the verge of becoming thing more.

This April, it yet underwent that long-anticipated metamorphosis, transforming into a abstraction that genuinely lives up to its self-proclaimed estimation arsenic a “dance nine for radical who don’t similar creation clubs.”

In a metropolis wherever authenticity wrong the nightlife country is simply a uncommon commodity, Oddfellows stands out. It’s a spot wherever you’ll apt find an concern banker and a kink vampiress sharing the aforesaid creation floor, singing on to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.” This isn’t conscionable a bar—it’s an instauration for the offbeat. Smoky incense, sticky tegument from dancing, nudging one’s mode done choky corridors and crowds—it’s a sensory overload that’s some overwhelming and comforting erstwhile you’ve familiarized yourself with the laic of the land.

Oddfellows has ever been astir its people, its ambiance and its willingness to clasp the unconventional. According to proprietor Harvey Graham, overmuch of the club’s occurrence should beryllium attributed to wide manager and spouse Tim Kam. Its civilization had been developed done a humorous online personality, a coagulated staff, divers themed nights and a steadfast stance connected inclusion.

The renovations person lone amplified these qualities, adding a fresh, occult-inspired aesthetic. Changes see a TV drone country designed by Joey Moon featuring a vintage container tv shrine. With the assistance of interior decorator Hayley Hunter, the beforehand and backmost lounges were fixed a gothic revamp, adding a woody beforehand bartop hand-crafted by bartender and maestro carpenter James Norman. And of course, there’s a divination nook for psychic readings.

The caller programming shows the venue’s testament to staying applicable portion honoring its roots. And with 2 abstracted creation spaces, there’s ample country to move, travel and experiment.

“Everything is precise tribal here. … We’re conscionable trying to innovate and find the achromatic space,” says Andrew Snow, Oddfellows’ manager of selling and events.

Today, there’s genuinely thing for everyone. Fridays diagnostic Club Classics, wherever guests tin creation to hits from the ‘80s, ‘90s and ‘00s successful the main room, with ‘70s and ‘80s successful the backmost lounge. Saturdays bring a surge of caller wave, indie sleaze and post-punk, maintaining the club’s eclectic and nostalgic charm.

Wednesdays are for Twirl, a play queer lawsuit celebrating inclusivity. Sundays introduced Nite Kids, a dynamic location euphony monthly. And the past Thursday of each period is dedicated to Odd Rave, a nighttime for experimental electronic. Emo nights, Sonidero’s Latin parties and much volition besides beryllium sprinkled into the mix.

“We were conscionable synthesizing feedback and talking to folks successful the community, younger folks, DJs, and the regulars to spot if determination are immoderate gaps,” Snow says. “It’s a flimsy tweaking of existing programming due to the fact that we don’t privation to reinvent the wheel.”

A bully nightlife spot evaluates what works successful its space, and here, mostly everything does. Is this a dive? Is this a club? Is this someone’s 2nd home? Oddfellows has proven to beryllium each of that and past some, depending connected the idiosyncratic and the day. We’re not present to archer you what it should mean to you. We’d alternatively promote you to find retired for yourself.

ODDFELLOWS 150 Las Vegas Blvd. North #190, Tuesday-Sunday, 8 p.m.-3 a.m.

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Photo of Gabriela Rodriguez

Gabriela Rodriguez is simply a Staff Writer astatine Las Vegas Weekly. A UNLV grad with a grade successful journalism and media ...

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